Créez votre propre empire
Fabrication cosmétiques, maquillage, soins capillaires,
Désinfectants et détergents

Faire shampooing, Revitalisant et soins capillaires ... Démarrez votre propre entreprise

Chaque année, dans le monde entier, les ventes de shampooings, revitalisants, aides à la coiffeuse, produits de finition et divers produits de soins capillaires atteignent un montant stupéfiant de 65 milliards de dollars.

Cliquez ici pour découvrir les secrets commerciaux et les formulations de l’industrie - apprendre à faire du shampooing et des produits de soins capillaires et rejoindre ce programme exclusif.

Ventes mondiales - Produits de soins capillaires

Hair Care CategoriesAnnual Sales
Shampoos$22 billion
Conditioners$13 billion
Colorants$12 billion
Styling Agents$9 billion
Salon Hair Care$5 billion
2-in-1 products$3 billion
Perms & Relaxants$1 billion
Total$65 billion

shampoo and hair care products

毫不奇怪,如果你 faire du shampooing capillaire Et Conditionneur, c’est de loin le plus gros revenu dans la catégorie des soins capillaires. Après tout, qui ne se lave pas les cheveux - des bébés aux enfants, hommes et femmes, jeunes et vieux - sur une base presque quotidienne? Sans oublier, la quantité de shampooing utilisé dans les salons de coiffure.

La fabrication de produits de soins capillaires bénéficie de marges bénéficiaires élevées - la plupart des produits sont entre 60-80% d’eau (généralement 80%), et les ingrédients restants sont étonnamment peu coûteux. En fait, lorsque vous commencez à faire du shampooing pour vous-même, vous vous demanderez pourquoi vous avez payé 15 $ pour une bouteille de shampooing qui pourrait coûter moins de 1 $ à fabriquer.

Il ya une myriade de marchés de niche si vous voulez démarrer une entreprise et d’abord créer des shampooings seulement, puis élargir votre gamme de produits de soins capillaires pour inclure les revitalisants, agents de coiffage, produits de finition, etc.

Si vous exploitez votre propre salon de coiffure ou si vous êtes intéressé à démarrer une entreprise à haut profit, lisez cet article sur soins capillaires de marque privée.

shampoo for babiesVous pouvez faire du shampooing pour les bébés - ceux-ci pourraient être sans parfum ou légèrement parfumés, contenant une petite quantité d’huiles naturelles et de surfactants doux, spécialement adaptés pour les cuirs chevelus sensibles des bébés. De là, vous pouvez vous ramifier pour faire des produits de soins pour bébés supplémentaires - bain pour bébé, lotion pour bébé.

Vous pouvez faire du shampooing pour les hommes - choisissez des arômes masculins et des emballages. Élargissez ensuite votre gamme de produits de toilettage masculins pour inclure la mousse à raser, la lotion après-rasage, le déodorant et les soins de la peau des hommes tels que les écrans solaires et les crèmes hydratantes. Il s’agit d’un marché en plein essor - en particulier les produits pour le visage anti-vieillissement pour les hommes. Il ya des années, vous ne pouviez pas trouver beaucoup d’hommes prêts à prendre autant qu’un reniflement au gel pour les yeux ou SPF 15 - aujourd’hui, c’est une très différente (et rentable) histoire.

Vous pouvez faire du shampooing pour les enfants Les emballages amusants et colorés et les arômes agréables aident les enfants à profiter de se laver les cheveux. Les revitalisants démêlés et les revitalisants sont toujours un gagnant pour les petites filles aux cheveux longs.

ethnic hair care productsYou can make shampoo, conditioner and styling products for the cheveux ethniques marché - c’est une industrie en forte croissance. Il est aussi facile de fabriquer du shampooing et des revitalisants pour les types de cheveux ethniques que pour tout autre, et les coûts de production sont pratiquement les mêmes, mais vous pouvez souvent facturer une prime pour ces produits en demande. En outre, le marché est énorme et en grande partie inexploité - vous n’avez qu’à regarder la taille de la population avec ce type de cheveux pour savoir que c’est un nombre incroyable. Il y a un grand marché dans la plupart des pays : Afrique du Nord, Afrique du Sud, Moyen-Orient, Etats-Unis, etc. L’autre avantage sur le marché des soins capillaires ethniques est que beaucoup de ces clients vont acheter plusieurs produits pour aider à maintenir leurs cheveux - de shampooings nettoyants doux aux revitalisants quotidiens intensifs, traitements hebdomadaires de conditionnement et de masques, revitalisants, baumes lissants, produits coiffants, produits de finition tels que crèmes hydratantes et pomades, siliciums pour les extrémités des cheveux ... vous l’appelez, il ya tellement de possibilités.

Vous pouvez même faire du shampooing pour animaux de compagnie! J’ai gagné de très gros dollars pour faire des shampooings pour chiens de marque privée pour les cliniques vétérinaires.

Vous pouvez fabriquer du shampooing et faire revitalisant comme un marque privée fabricant de soins capillaires. C’est là que vous pouvez construire une entreprise à long terme à but lucratif.

Si vous lisez cet article sur cosmétiques de marque privée, vous comprendrez pourquoi de nombreux détaillants , des salons de coiffure, des salons de coiffure et de beauté, aux supermarchés, pharmacies et grands magasins sont de plus en plus méfiants et fatigués de vendre les marques produites par les grands fabrication de cosmétiques Entreprises.

Beaucoup de mes plus grands comptes au fil des ans sont venus de ces entreprises. De nombreux propriétaires de salons ont promu soi-disant "salon exclusif" marques de soins capillaires, donnant des années de précieux conseils de bouche à oreille à des milliers de leurs clients, seulement pour constater qu’une fois qu’ils ont fait tout le travail acharné et la publicité gratuite, ces marques deviennent alors largement disponibles dans les points de vente à rabais.

Qu’est-ce qu’ils font ? Ils me demandent de fabriquer du shampooing pour eux sous leur propre étiquette. Ou, je les approche avec une proposition imbattable pour faire du shampooing et des produits de soins capillaires avec leur propre nom et logo sur la bouteille. Certains salons peuvent continuer à vendre d’autres marques, mais maintenant concentrer leurs recommandations sur leur propre marque privée - et récolter les fruits pour leurs propres poches au lieu des conglomérats avides.

La possibilité de créer des produits de shampooing et de soins capillaires ne s’arrête pas seulement avec les salons - je trouve beaucoup de situations similaires à travers de nombreuses industries. Il est incroyablement facile de convaincre les détaillants de la valeur de la vente de leurs propres marques - les tactiques contraires à l’éthique, sournoises et souvent illégales des grandes entreprises de fabrication de cosmétiques le rendent facile.

Intéressé à démarrer votre propre entreprise et découvrir Comment faire du shampooing tout comme les grands fabricants de cosmétiques? AustraLab fournit des formulations égales, voire meilleures, aux grandes entreprises de fabrication de cosmétiques cliquez ici pour démarrer votre propre entreprise à haut profit Et faire du shampooing, des revitalisants et des aides à la coiffure.

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34 réponses

  1. Hi Sam, I appreciate this article because it seem to address and answer some of my questions in regards to first starting my cosmetics business by launching and producing my own hair care products’ line. I plan on formulating my own hair care products that promotes thickness, strength, growth, and healthy look for myself and others. I am interested in adding ingredients that will feed and nourish hair with healthy nutrients. I’ve read many of your other articles so far and really enjoy them. Now, I’ve came to a point to where I’m ready to get started in my venture and not wait any longer. My question is, is this door of opportunity for an average Jane like myself can potentially make a fortune by providing excellent products to markets that are ripe? Please feel free to respond at your earliest convinience. Thanks a-billion-dollar-times-more.

    1. Hi Candice,
      I developed the AustraLab program especially for the “average” Jane and Joe – though with your entrepreneurial spirit, I’m not sure if you quite fit that category!
      You don’t need any special qualifications or previous experience to be able to make your own professional quality makeup, cosmetics, shampoo and hair care products, or detergents. My instructions are easy to follow and the formulations are engineered for ease of manufacturing, efficacy of ingredients and maximum profits. Shampoos and hair care products are an excellent source of stable income – an everyday essential in homes and salons – plus they’re easy to make, easy to customize and high profit. Private label hair care products for salons are a steadily growing industry and there are very few manufacturers taking advantage of this potentially huge market.
      Glad you’re enjoying the info – and thanks for your contribution!

    1. Hi Katrina,
      It’s nice to have you here. Making shampoo is actually one of the easiest cosmetic/toiletry products to manufacture – the mixing procedure is not complicated and because most shampoos are about 70% water, the profit margins are high. You can make endless combinations, catering for different hair types – dry, oily scalp, dandruff, etc – by adjusting the formulations, and adding essential oils and other plant additives.

      1. Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it.
        I haven’t got any experience in making a shampoo even with soap. But I am curious and do want to know. That is why I am thinking of it as hard one since I didn’t experience it ever.
        Thank you so much.
        Have a nice Day Mr. Sam
        Katty here

  2. I will like to talk with shampoo designers for black men and women in african wealthy oil nation with population over 170millions

    1. Hi Paul,
      Thanks for visiting my blog.
      The market for ethnic hair care products is huge – and by manufacturing your own shampoos, conditioners, etc you will be making the maximum possible profits and retain maximum control of quality.
      When you own the formulations and control the manufacturing procedure, you have a winning business.

  3. Hi Sam
    I am one of the young woman who did Bsc in Chemistry i want to have my own products I need You assistant where do i start to do them what do I need….

    1. Hi Stella,
      The AustraLab program comprises everything you need to start your own business manufacturing hair products and cosmetics. There are 100 professional formulations (engineered for ease of manufacturing, efficacy of ingredients and maximum possible profit margins), plus the manufacturing procedures manuals, marketing manuals, 250 graphic designs for labels, plus the trademark license. you can find all the details Ici

  4. Hi Sam,
    we want to produce our own range of hair care products. How do we bring our products in the salons. What is the best way, find a distributor or go from salon to salon?
    I very much preciate your answer. Thanks.

    1. Hey Rene,
      There are many ways to create markets for your own range of hair care products.
      In part, it depends on your time, resources and business plan. Engaging an established distributor can enable you to gain access to a much larger customer base much more quickly. If the distributor you choose is well-known in the hair/beauty industry, this may help you grow faster.
      Engaging your own sales team also has its advantages – you have more control over how your product is promoted, and closer contact with your customer base.
      Manufacturing private label hair care products (labeling the products with the salon’s own name and logo) is also a rapidly growing business. In this sector, I usually find that the demand is far greater than the supply.

    1. Hi, great to have you here – yes, the ingredients are readily available and there are established shampoo ingredients and cosmetic ingredients suppliers in Africa. All my formulations use raw ingredients by their generic name – not trademark blends which are sometimes difficult and expensive to obtain.

  5. That’s probably incredible and a good idea since you get to have a chance to make an empire and at the same time you get to discover the thing that really works for your own type of hair. It seems that it gives you the total breakout that you need to discover new things for you.

  6. Wow, I had no idea that the hair industry made that much money. Sure, I knew they made a lot, but I didn’t think it would be anywhere near the billions. I had no idea that that £8-10 turns up as $65 billion annually.

    That’s an awful lot of money. Maybe I should become the next L’Oreal or Kerastase!

    1. Hi Robin,

      Yep – it is a lot of money – and it actually increases steadily every year.
      If you’re having doubts about making it big in the cosmetic or shampoo manufacturing industry, take a look at this article Ici – if it can be done in Kenya, it can be done anywhere in the world.

  7. Good day Sam

    I am based in Bloemfontein, South Africa and I am well interested in venturing into the business of cosmetics manufacturing and cleaning detergents production…
    Please feel free to reply via my email address as for us to arrange how to go about roping me in into this lucrative business.
    I have a lot to learn from this completely new idea and I am so eager to start from the lowest level and grow with it.

    1. Hey Ncedo,

      Thanks for taking the time to make contact. I’ve sent you an email – please let me know if you need any further information.
      You might also gain inspiration from cet article about a successful cosmetics company in Kenya – it’s now worth around $1 million, manufacturing just three lotions. If they can do it, anyone can!

  8. Hi Sam,
    I want to start a Shampoo product based on a natural plant that has been used by one tribe for many centuries. When I was a child, I used this product regularly. This product will make a normal and greasy air look fantastic. It will wash out air lice in no time. It works. What I want to do is brad, patent and manufacture this product and this is where I need your help and guidance. Please e-mail me the things I need to do to start off!! I am an engineer in the oil & gas industry but now I think I am ready to start my own business.

    Mnay thanks,


    1. Hi Tony,
      The procedure for developing a patent for a product can vary between countries – I would advise you initially to contact your local Intellectual Property/Patents Office. They should be able to give you some basic advice and a starting point. From there, it may be necessary to seek the advice of a specialist patents lawyer.
      You would then need to seek the services of a professional formulator to develop the product for you, ensuring it is safe and suitable for its intended market.
      You might find that the process of developing a patent and formulation can be time-consuming and costly, so you will need to look carefully at the commercial viability of the product.
      Patenting the use of a specific natural plant in a product could prove challenging (again, this depends on the laws of your country). One of the reasons that so little research is conducted on natural plant extracts for medicinal purposes, is that these cannot be patented without some specific modification to the chemical structure of the extract.
      However, I would not be thwarted if developing a patent is not viable or cost-restrictive – there are many highly successful products on the market, based on a single plant ingredient, which have no patent, and make their owners a small fortune.

  9. Hello Sam,
    I am currently in the process of creating my own private label shampoo and am now at the point where I am looking for both shampoo and bottle manufacturers. I have read here that you’re company may aid in this procedure so if possible, may you please list anything you can do to aid in the advancement on my private company?
    Thank-you for this great information and you time,

  10. As a nurse practitioner, I am tired of working long hours and have been wanting to start a lucrative business. Tried few things but all failed. Loved your idea. Would want to start cosmetics/perfume/household cleaning/laundry products manufacturing. Would want to export to Africa, target afro-carribeans, low-ends and not so-high ends. Please tell me how to start gradual, then venture into exporting and building networks that rock the business world.

    1. Hi Bella,
      Thanks for reading my website.
      Targeting the African market is an excellent idea – great growth potential.
      You can start by making the most popular, everyday consumable items – then branch out into manufacturing more specialised items.

  11. we own a full service hair salon in Florida and we like to have our own product line .
    We’ve spoken already with sa couple factorys but we’re not sure how to start.
    of course we like to sale our product to the distributors and hair salons as well.
    what would you recommend us ?

    Falco Beauty LLC
    Lothar Finger


    1. Hi Debra, Thanks for stopping by.
      Glad to have provided you with some inspiration, wish you great success with your vision.

  13. Hi dear sam,
    I wish you doing well and healthy
    with respect I want to make a factory of making shampoo, so I really need of your best ideas and assistancy with me that how to make shampoo and which machanry or plant are using in it. If you have good material to help me please send it to my email address I will be really appreciate from your assistancy with me
    waiting for your response

    1. Hi,
      All the information you will require to start your own shampoo and hair products business, is within the AustraLab manuals. Please let me know if you require further details.

    1. Hi Dr. Peter,
      Welcome to my website. The AustraLab program will provide you with the formulations and manufacturing procedures to get started making your own range of cosmetics.

  14. Hi Sam,
    I am from Africa but now reside in Australia. My country of origin has 75+million people and the hair and cosmetics market is huge, but 90% of the products are imported into the country.

    I read the story of the Kenyan entrepreneur, I was very impressed and encouraged by his humble beginnings. I have been playing around with the idea of starting my own line of shampoos and conditioner and expanding to other products eventually.

    How and where do I start? I have limited finances, but I really believe that this venture will be a successful one.

    your advice would be very much appreciated.

    Beth K.

    1. Hi Beth,
      The African cosmetics market is definitely huge and largely untapped. Niche brands with only a few products in the range can be very successful – as is this case for the Kenyan company. Look at what is already selling well in the marketplace, and find ways to improve it – that’s usually a good place to start. Do market research by speaking to salon owners – ask them what they like, what they need, etc. Consider the use of ingredients that are native to the country and use this as a marketing angle. Hope this gives you some inspiration and good luck with your venture.

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© 2020  fabrication cosmétique australab, formulations de toilettes et formules de produits de nettoyage

34 réponses

  1. Hi Sam, I appreciate this article because it seem to address and answer some of my questions in regards to first starting my cosmetics business by launching and producing my own hair care products’ line. I plan on formulating my own hair care products that promotes thickness, strength, growth, and healthy look for myself and others. I am interested in adding ingredients that will feed and nourish hair with healthy nutrients. I’ve read many of your other articles so far and really enjoy them. Now, I’ve came to a point to where I’m ready to get started in my venture and not wait any longer. My question is, is this door of opportunity for an average Jane like myself can potentially make a fortune by providing excellent products to markets that are ripe? Please feel free to respond at your earliest convinience. Thanks a-billion-dollar-times-more.

    1. Hi Candice,
      I developed the AustraLab program especially for the “average” Jane and Joe – though with your entrepreneurial spirit, I’m not sure if you quite fit that category!
      You don’t need any special qualifications or previous experience to be able to make your own professional quality makeup, cosmetics, shampoo and hair care products, or detergents. My instructions are easy to follow and the formulations are engineered for ease of manufacturing, efficacy of ingredients and maximum profits. Shampoos and hair care products are an excellent source of stable income – an everyday essential in homes and salons – plus they’re easy to make, easy to customize and high profit. Private label hair care products for salons are a steadily growing industry and there are very few manufacturers taking advantage of this potentially huge market.
      Glad you’re enjoying the info – and thanks for your contribution!

    1. Hi Katrina,
      It’s nice to have you here. Making shampoo is actually one of the easiest cosmetic/toiletry products to manufacture – the mixing procedure is not complicated and because most shampoos are about 70% water, the profit margins are high. You can make endless combinations, catering for different hair types – dry, oily scalp, dandruff, etc – by adjusting the formulations, and adding essential oils and other plant additives.

      1. Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it.
        I haven’t got any experience in making a shampoo even with soap. But I am curious and do want to know. That is why I am thinking of it as hard one since I didn’t experience it ever.
        Thank you so much.
        Have a nice Day Mr. Sam
        Katty here

  2. I will like to talk with shampoo designers for black men and women in african wealthy oil nation with population over 170millions

    1. Hi Paul,
      Thanks for visiting my blog.
      The market for ethnic hair care products is huge – and by manufacturing your own shampoos, conditioners, etc you will be making the maximum possible profits and retain maximum control of quality.
      When you own the formulations and control the manufacturing procedure, you have a winning business.

  3. Hi Sam
    I am one of the young woman who did Bsc in Chemistry i want to have my own products I need You assistant where do i start to do them what do I need….

    1. Hi Stella,
      The AustraLab program comprises everything you need to start your own business manufacturing hair products and cosmetics. There are 100 professional formulations (engineered for ease of manufacturing, efficacy of ingredients and maximum possible profit margins), plus the manufacturing procedures manuals, marketing manuals, 250 graphic designs for labels, plus the trademark license. you can find all the details Ici

  4. Hi Sam,
    we want to produce our own range of hair care products. How do we bring our products in the salons. What is the best way, find a distributor or go from salon to salon?
    I very much preciate your answer. Thanks.

    1. Hey Rene,
      There are many ways to create markets for your own range of hair care products.
      In part, it depends on your time, resources and business plan. Engaging an established distributor can enable you to gain access to a much larger customer base much more quickly. If the distributor you choose is well-known in the hair/beauty industry, this may help you grow faster.
      Engaging your own sales team also has its advantages – you have more control over how your product is promoted, and closer contact with your customer base.
      Manufacturing private label hair care products (labeling the products with the salon’s own name and logo) is also a rapidly growing business. In this sector, I usually find that the demand is far greater than the supply.

    1. Hi, great to have you here – yes, the ingredients are readily available and there are established shampoo ingredients and cosmetic ingredients suppliers in Africa. All my formulations use raw ingredients by their generic name – not trademark blends which are sometimes difficult and expensive to obtain.

  5. That’s probably incredible and a good idea since you get to have a chance to make an empire and at the same time you get to discover the thing that really works for your own type of hair. It seems that it gives you the total breakout that you need to discover new things for you.

  6. Wow, I had no idea that the hair industry made that much money. Sure, I knew they made a lot, but I didn’t think it would be anywhere near the billions. I had no idea that that £8-10 turns up as $65 billion annually.

    That’s an awful lot of money. Maybe I should become the next L’Oreal or Kerastase!

    1. Hi Robin,

      Yep – it is a lot of money – and it actually increases steadily every year.
      If you’re having doubts about making it big in the cosmetic or shampoo manufacturing industry, take a look at this article Ici – if it can be done in Kenya, it can be done anywhere in the world.

  7. Good day Sam

    I am based in Bloemfontein, South Africa and I am well interested in venturing into the business of cosmetics manufacturing and cleaning detergents production…
    Please feel free to reply via my email address as for us to arrange how to go about roping me in into this lucrative business.
    I have a lot to learn from this completely new idea and I am so eager to start from the lowest level and grow with it.

    1. Hey Ncedo,

      Thanks for taking the time to make contact. I’ve sent you an email – please let me know if you need any further information.
      You might also gain inspiration from cet article about a successful cosmetics company in Kenya – it’s now worth around $1 million, manufacturing just three lotions. If they can do it, anyone can!

  8. Hi Sam,
    I want to start a Shampoo product based on a natural plant that has been used by one tribe for many centuries. When I was a child, I used this product regularly. This product will make a normal and greasy air look fantastic. It will wash out air lice in no time. It works. What I want to do is brad, patent and manufacture this product and this is where I need your help and guidance. Please e-mail me the things I need to do to start off!! I am an engineer in the oil & gas industry but now I think I am ready to start my own business.

    Mnay thanks,


    1. Hi Tony,
      The procedure for developing a patent for a product can vary between countries – I would advise you initially to contact your local Intellectual Property/Patents Office. They should be able to give you some basic advice and a starting point. From there, it may be necessary to seek the advice of a specialist patents lawyer.
      You would then need to seek the services of a professional formulator to develop the product for you, ensuring it is safe and suitable for its intended market.
      You might find that the process of developing a patent and formulation can be time-consuming and costly, so you will need to look carefully at the commercial viability of the product.
      Patenting the use of a specific natural plant in a product could prove challenging (again, this depends on the laws of your country). One of the reasons that so little research is conducted on natural plant extracts for medicinal purposes, is that these cannot be patented without some specific modification to the chemical structure of the extract.
      However, I would not be thwarted if developing a patent is not viable or cost-restrictive – there are many highly successful products on the market, based on a single plant ingredient, which have no patent, and make their owners a small fortune.

  9. Hello Sam,
    I am currently in the process of creating my own private label shampoo and am now at the point where I am looking for both shampoo and bottle manufacturers. I have read here that you’re company may aid in this procedure so if possible, may you please list anything you can do to aid in the advancement on my private company?
    Thank-you for this great information and you time,

  10. As a nurse practitioner, I am tired of working long hours and have been wanting to start a lucrative business. Tried few things but all failed. Loved your idea. Would want to start cosmetics/perfume/household cleaning/laundry products manufacturing. Would want to export to Africa, target afro-carribeans, low-ends and not so-high ends. Please tell me how to start gradual, then venture into exporting and building networks that rock the business world.

    1. Hi Bella,
      Thanks for reading my website.
      Targeting the African market is an excellent idea – great growth potential.
      You can start by making the most popular, everyday consumable items – then branch out into manufacturing more specialised items.

  11. we own a full service hair salon in Florida and we like to have our own product line .
    We’ve spoken already with sa couple factorys but we’re not sure how to start.
    of course we like to sale our product to the distributors and hair salons as well.
    what would you recommend us ?

    Falco Beauty LLC
    Lothar Finger


    1. Hi Debra, Thanks for stopping by.
      Glad to have provided you with some inspiration, wish you great success with your vision.

  13. Hi dear sam,
    I wish you doing well and healthy
    with respect I want to make a factory of making shampoo, so I really need of your best ideas and assistancy with me that how to make shampoo and which machanry or plant are using in it. If you have good material to help me please send it to my email address I will be really appreciate from your assistancy with me
    waiting for your response

    1. Hi,
      All the information you will require to start your own shampoo and hair products business, is within the AustraLab manuals. Please let me know if you require further details.

    1. Hi Dr. Peter,
      Welcome to my website. The AustraLab program will provide you with the formulations and manufacturing procedures to get started making your own range of cosmetics.

  14. Hi Sam,
    I am from Africa but now reside in Australia. My country of origin has 75+million people and the hair and cosmetics market is huge, but 90% of the products are imported into the country.

    I read the story of the Kenyan entrepreneur, I was very impressed and encouraged by his humble beginnings. I have been playing around with the idea of starting my own line of shampoos and conditioner and expanding to other products eventually.

    How and where do I start? I have limited finances, but I really believe that this venture will be a successful one.

    your advice would be very much appreciated.

    Beth K.

    1. Hi Beth,
      The African cosmetics market is definitely huge and largely untapped. Niche brands with only a few products in the range can be very successful – as is this case for the Kenyan company. Look at what is already selling well in the marketplace, and find ways to improve it – that’s usually a good place to start. Do market research by speaking to salon owners – ask them what they like, what they need, etc. Consider the use of ingredients that are native to the country and use this as a marketing angle. Hope this gives you some inspiration and good luck with your venture.

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