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"I live in a popular coastal tourist town. There's more than 100 places for accommodation. I have a small cleaning business, providing services for some of these places.

나는 마을의 잘 알려진 테마를 기반으로 제품을 만들고 판매하기 위해 공식과 아이디어를 사용하기로 결정했다.

I am now selling to about 75% of the accommodation businesses - I've increased my business profits by more than five times - I would never have believed this was possible.

테마별 세면도구와 선물, 기념품(비누, 로션 등)을 판매하고 있습니다.

There are no other manufacturers in this area - the closest is about ten hours by road. So my customers don't have to pay freight and they get their orders much faster.

As well, I no longer have to buy any cleaning products - this saves me a bundle - and I've even started supplying other cleaners.

There's a fruit growing area not far from me, so I'm thinking about making theme-based chemicals and cosmetics for that region.

Who knows, maybe next I'll be making apple-scented shampoo for the Big Apple."


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