자신의 제국을 시작
제조 화장품, 메이크업, 헤어 케어,
소독제 및 세제

메이크업을 만드는 방법 ... 자신의 비즈니스 시작

makeup manufacturing

다음 MAC가 되고 싶으신가요? 당신은 당신이의 비밀을 알 때 할 수 있습니다 메이크업을 만드는 방법.

많은 성공적인 메이크업 브랜드는 작은 범위로 시작하여 빠르게 확장 된 제품 컬렉션이되었습니다.

메이크업, 화장품, 스킨케어, 샴푸, 헤어케어, 목욕, 바디 제품을 만들고, 고수익 사업을 시작하는 방법에 대한 영업비밀과 제형을 확인하려면 여기를 클릭하십시오.

메이크업을 만드는 법을 배우는 이유, 당신이 고용 할 수 있을 때 프라이빗 라벨 화장품 - 자신만의 화장품 브랜드가 필요한 이유 당신을 위해 그것을 생산 하는 제조 업체? 당신은 거 대 한 이익에 밖으로 놓칠 거 야 때문에.

mica eye makeup

메이크업을 하는 법을 배우는 것은 어렵지 않습니다. 당신이 당신의 자신의 메이크업을 할 때, 당신은 당신의 이익을 극대화하고 화장품 재료와 품질에 대한 절대 제어를 유지합니다. 메이크업을 시작하면 곧 자신만의 색상, 질감, 향수 및 제형을 개발할 수 있는 자신감을 얻게 될 것입니다. 당신은 실험하고 상상력의 색상을 재현하기 위해 (엄청난 시간당 속도로) 화장품 화학자 (엄청난 시간당 요금)에 의존하지 않습니다.





5가장 자주 묻는 질문 메이크업을 만드는 방법:

1. 메이크업을 하고 화장품을 만들기 위해서는 화장품 화학 에 대한 자격이 필요합니까? ...

아니요. 간단한 지침을 따를 수 있다면, 단순히 기술 화학에 수렁에 빠질 필요가 없다, 대학에서 4 ~ 5 년을 보내고, 수입을 만들기 위해 너무 오래 기다릴 필요가 없습니다. 올바른 제조 절차와 결합된 전문 제형을 사용하면 휠을 재발견할 필요가 없습니다. 일단 당신이 메이크업을 만드는 방법을 배울 시작, 당신은 쉽게 실험 할 수 있습니다 찾을 수 있습니다, 재료를 대체, 색상을 발명 – 그리고, 당신이 그렇게 원하는 경우, 당신은 쉽게 기존 제품의 라벨을 읽을 수 있을 것입니다 그리고 그냥 복제 하지, 하지만 그들의 공식에 향상. 아이섀도우를 만드는 방법, 립 글로스를 만드는 방법, 립스틱 을 만드는 방법, 매니큐어 를 만드는 방법, 미네랄 메이크업 등 한계가 없습니다. 세계적으로 유명한 화장품 브랜드의 제작자는 전문 적인 공식을 구입하고 메이크업을 만드는 방법에 대한 기술을 연습한 다음 자신만의 독특한 변형을 생산하는 것으로 시작했습니다. 왜 당신은?

2. 메이크업을 만드는 방법을 배우는 데 얼마나 걸까요?

화장품 화학 학위를 얻는 데 걸리는 시간보다 훨씬 적습니다. 립글로스, 마스카라, 파운데이션, 보습 크림, 샴푸 등 4~5가지 제품을 성공적으로 만든 후에는 "요령"을 개발한 것을 발견하게 됩니다. 올바른 제조 절차로 화장품을 만드는 것은 대부분의 야심 찬 기업가가 상상하는 것보다 훨씬 쉽습니다. 아이섀도우, 립스틱, 미네랄 포뮬러 메이크업, 전문 스킨 케어 트리트먼트 등을 제조하기까지는 그리 오래 걸리지 않을 것입니다.

3. 메이크업을 할 수 있는 고가의 장비가 필요합니까?

아니요. 깨끗한 작업 영역 외에도 그릇 (유리 및 플라스틱) 혼합, 숟가락이나 막대기, 박격포 및 유봉, 산도와 알칼리도 를 테스트하기위한 pH 용지, 계량 재료용 비늘 등 기본적인 장비만 필요합니다. 다시 말하지만, 세계적으로 유명한 화장품 회사 설립자는 최소한의 장비로 부엌 테이블에서 시작하여 제국을 만들었습니다. 여러분도 마찬가지입니다.

4. 수제 화장품 레시피 나 무료 화장품 포뮬러를 사용하여 화장품, 스킨 케어 및 메이크업을 소매 판매를 위해 사용할 수 있습니까?...

아니요. 계란, 아보카도, 다양한 신선한 과일, 오일 등 대부분의 수제 화장품 조리법은 냉장이 필요하며 심지어 최대 2-3 주 동안만 지속됩니다. 이러한 제형은 소매 판매에 적합하지 않습니다. 그들은 쉽게 유해한 박테리아를 개발할 수 있습니다. 메이크업을 하고 소매 판매를 위해 화장품을 만드는 방법을 알고 싶다면 건강 규정을 준수하는 전문 제제를 사용해야 합니다. 화장품 성분 공급 업체가 제공하는 무료 제형은 이러한 공급 업체를 부유하게 만들도록 설계되었습니다 . 이러한 "무료"조리법은 일반적으로 기본으로 자신의 독점적 인 "혼합"을 포함, 또는 재료를 얻기 어려운 비싼 사용. 이런 식으로, 당신은 그들의 높은 가격에 몸값을 개최. 원료 재료에서이 "혼합"을 재현하는 방법을 모르고, 당신은 자신의 제품없이 자신의 메이크업이나 화장품을 만들 수 없습니다. 블렌드는 일반적으로 실제 원료의 가격의 10배 이상 가격이 듭니다. 대부분의 메이크업 및 화장품 제조업체는 1000 %의 이익 마진으로 운영됩니다. 이러한 수익을 즐기고 자신의 비즈니스와 자신의 제품을 제어하려면 원료 재료로 메이크업을하는 방법을 알아야합니다.

5. 메이크업을 하고 화장품을 만들기 위해서는 FDA의 승인이 필요합니까? ...

아니요. 이것은 화장품 제조 거인이 믿고 싶은 또 다른 신화입니다. FDA는 제품을 테스트하거나 메이크업을 하거나 화장품을 만들 수 있는 라이선스를 발급하지 않습니다. 그들의 요구 사항은 간단합니다 : 제품은 금지 된 화장품 재료를 사용하지 않아야하며 박테리아가 없어야합니다. 전문 화장품 포뮬러를 사용하는 경우(수제 화장품과 는 반대로) 우려하지 않습니다.

AustraLab 프로그램은 메이크업에 대해 알아야 할 모든 것을 제공합니다. "no오프너">메이크업을 만드는 방법의 비밀을 알아보려면 여기를 클릭하십시오.

지금 구독 - 오스트라랩에서 최신 뉴스 및 업데이트를 받으세요

당신은 또한 같은 수 있습니다 ...

how to make eye makeup

Make Eye Makeup

Start Your Own EmpireManufacturing Cosmetics, Makeup, HairCare,Sanitizers & Detergents How to Make Eye Makeup … Start your Own Business Click here to learn the trade

Read More »

7 Responses

  1. I very much want to learn how to make makeup. I would like to start my own cosmetics business. Can you tell me how to join your program? I like it very much.

  2. Sam, do you think it would be possible for me to learn how to make makeup as I left school when I was 15 and don’t have much maths or science ability, but it is what I have always wanted to do. I mostly want to make eye makeup and mineral makeup. Please let me know how difficult it would be for me because I really want to start my own cosmetics manufacturing business like you and I want to work from home now because I have a 3 month old baby. My husband wants me to do something I like and making makeup is the only thing I have ever wanted to do, so please give me your advice.

    1. Hi Nancie,
      The fact that you’re passionate about wanting a makeup manufacturing business is a great start – it never hurts to love what you’re doing! You don’t need to be proficient in maths or science, or have a lot of education, to learn how to make makeup and start a successful business. All you need to do is follow my instructions, which are written with absolute beginners in mind. Basically, you’ll weigh the cosmetic ingredients, them mix them together in the order given. You choose your own pigments or dyes, plus fragrances and essential oils (where appropriate) – so there’s plenty of scope for your imagination, without any confusing chemistry equations. And in case you do need any assistance along the way, I’m always available to guide you.

  3. Hi Sam,
    This is baffling but not totally surprising to me. I am a Canadian student currently enrolled in a chemical engineering technology program at a local community college. I actually want to become a cosmetic chemist and have big dreams on owning my own company in a near future so I don’t know if it’s fate or merely a coincidence that I stumbled upon your website but this is really cool. I had my doubts about the cosmetic industry and was thinking to myself that an industry that makes so much money, it has to cost next to nothing to manufacture because who would want to spend thousands of dollars on merchandise and get low profit or nothing at all. It’s just like the music industry. I guess my question is how do know we can trust you? Sorry to be so forthcoming, but I am a student and 1997$ is a lot of money for me right now. I would have to pull some serious strings to get that money but how do I know for sure that this is not a scam or anything of the sort(not calling you an imposter lol, I just want to be sure loll)? Nevertheless, if this works out, I would be so ecstatic. It’s been my dream to create make-up for a long time now. I still don’t understand why you would share such priceless information for nearly nothing compared to what it’s worth, but I thank you. In hopes of hearing from you soon.
    Regards, Elsa

    1. Hey Elsa,
      Thanks for your interest in the AustraLab program.
      I appreciate your concerns – there’s no offense taken. My payment processing company is Avangate, a long-established company with a stellar reputation.
      The AustraLab program is stored on Avangate’s secure servers. As soon as payment is verified, Avangate will immediately send you an email link to download the entire program – so you are guaranteed to receive your download, with no waiting.
      I have now retired from the manufacturing side of the industry, and concentrate on private formulating and consulting, plus my website and licensees. This industry has been extremely profitable for me over the past 30 years, I have no need to keep my knowledge a secret. Having seen the ways the big conglomerates try to monopolize and control this industry, I guess I actually consider it something of a personal crusade to open up the doors for others.
      Please email me if you have any specific queries – sam@australab.com

  4. hi, if i started making makeup and started selling it, like in my own home but turn into a make up store, would i need to have some type of education just to sell my stuff and to work in a make up factory, where they make makeup, do i have to have a education for that as well to even work in a makeup factory?

    1. Hey Karina,
      You have the potential to make much more money manufacturing and selling your own cosmetic range, than working in a factory for someone else.
      You don’t require any specific education to start your own cosmetics manufacturing business – the formulations and procedures in my manuals are all you need.
      Whether you would need qualifications to work in a makeup factory, would depend on the job description and requirements of the establishment.

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© 2020  오스트라랩

7 Responses

  1. I very much want to learn how to make makeup. I would like to start my own cosmetics business. Can you tell me how to join your program? I like it very much.

  2. Sam, do you think it would be possible for me to learn how to make makeup as I left school when I was 15 and don’t have much maths or science ability, but it is what I have always wanted to do. I mostly want to make eye makeup and mineral makeup. Please let me know how difficult it would be for me because I really want to start my own cosmetics manufacturing business like you and I want to work from home now because I have a 3 month old baby. My husband wants me to do something I like and making makeup is the only thing I have ever wanted to do, so please give me your advice.

    1. Hi Nancie,
      The fact that you’re passionate about wanting a makeup manufacturing business is a great start – it never hurts to love what you’re doing! You don’t need to be proficient in maths or science, or have a lot of education, to learn how to make makeup and start a successful business. All you need to do is follow my instructions, which are written with absolute beginners in mind. Basically, you’ll weigh the cosmetic ingredients, them mix them together in the order given. You choose your own pigments or dyes, plus fragrances and essential oils (where appropriate) – so there’s plenty of scope for your imagination, without any confusing chemistry equations. And in case you do need any assistance along the way, I’m always available to guide you.

  3. Hi Sam,
    This is baffling but not totally surprising to me. I am a Canadian student currently enrolled in a chemical engineering technology program at a local community college. I actually want to become a cosmetic chemist and have big dreams on owning my own company in a near future so I don’t know if it’s fate or merely a coincidence that I stumbled upon your website but this is really cool. I had my doubts about the cosmetic industry and was thinking to myself that an industry that makes so much money, it has to cost next to nothing to manufacture because who would want to spend thousands of dollars on merchandise and get low profit or nothing at all. It’s just like the music industry. I guess my question is how do know we can trust you? Sorry to be so forthcoming, but I am a student and 1997$ is a lot of money for me right now. I would have to pull some serious strings to get that money but how do I know for sure that this is not a scam or anything of the sort(not calling you an imposter lol, I just want to be sure loll)? Nevertheless, if this works out, I would be so ecstatic. It’s been my dream to create make-up for a long time now. I still don’t understand why you would share such priceless information for nearly nothing compared to what it’s worth, but I thank you. In hopes of hearing from you soon.
    Regards, Elsa

    1. Hey Elsa,
      Thanks for your interest in the AustraLab program.
      I appreciate your concerns – there’s no offense taken. My payment processing company is Avangate, a long-established company with a stellar reputation.
      The AustraLab program is stored on Avangate’s secure servers. As soon as payment is verified, Avangate will immediately send you an email link to download the entire program – so you are guaranteed to receive your download, with no waiting.
      I have now retired from the manufacturing side of the industry, and concentrate on private formulating and consulting, plus my website and licensees. This industry has been extremely profitable for me over the past 30 years, I have no need to keep my knowledge a secret. Having seen the ways the big conglomerates try to monopolize and control this industry, I guess I actually consider it something of a personal crusade to open up the doors for others.
      Please email me if you have any specific queries – sam@australab.com

  4. hi, if i started making makeup and started selling it, like in my own home but turn into a make up store, would i need to have some type of education just to sell my stuff and to work in a make up factory, where they make makeup, do i have to have a education for that as well to even work in a makeup factory?

    1. Hey Karina,
      You have the potential to make much more money manufacturing and selling your own cosmetic range, than working in a factory for someone else.
      You don’t require any specific education to start your own cosmetics manufacturing business – the formulations and procedures in my manuals are all you need.
      Whether you would need qualifications to work in a makeup factory, would depend on the job description and requirements of the establishment.

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